DNS records

This article is outdated. Updated version on building a mail server on Debian 6 is published as a free eBook here.

Note: Server in this example is named atlantis.example.com.

First, we need to check our hostname

atlantis:~# hostname -f

If hostname did not return FQDN of your server edit /etc/hosts. You should see something like this, if not, change according to your IP address and server name.         localhost
YOUR-IP-ADDRESS   atlantis.example.com    atlantis

Now check your /etc/hostname file:


Change the names to match your server name and reboot the server. Run hostname -f again and you should see atlantis.example.com.

Now, we need to check that our DNS servers have an MX record for our example.com domain. Install DNS utilities:

apt-get install dnsutils

We are going to use host to check information about our domain:

atlantis:~# host example.com
example.com has address YOUR-IP-ADDRESS
example.com mail is handled by 0 mail.example.com.

We can see, that the mail for our domain is handled by mail.example.com. Now we must make sure that mail.example.com points to the same address as our server (atlantis.example.com).

atlantis:~# nslookup mail.example.com
Server:         YOUR-DNS-SERVER
Address:        YOUR-DNS-ADDRESS#53
Non-authoritative answer:
mail.example.com        canonical name = example.com.
Name:   diabmon.com

It would be also nice if your reverse DNS points to the same name (atlantis.example.com)

atlantis:~# nslookup YOUR-IP-ADDRESS
Server:         YOUR-DNS-SERVER
Address:        YOUR-DNS-SERVER#53

Non-authoritative answer:
YOUR-IP-ADDRES-REVERSE.in-addr.arpa      name = atlantis.example.com.

If they do not match. Ask your ISP to change this for you.